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Launch of New Fire-Resistant Hoses IZOPLET-70 S and IZOPLET-120 S
For galvanized wire and cable manufacturers, we developed and started manufacturing wipers based on high-strength aramid fibers.
A new type of IZOFLOX-20B fire-resistant cardboard was mastered and put into production
Successfully passed the recertification audit ISO 9001: 2015. The expiration date has been extended until 01.26.2027.
Production of a new type of refractory cord IZOPACK-979 with application temperature of 1100 oC was mastered
The production of a new type of refractory cord IZOPACK-K50 was mastered
The manufacturer PIKF «IZOLA» is certificated under the international standard of management of quality assurance ISO 9001:2015
Production of heat-insulating cords with thickness of 120 mm and application temperature up to +1350 has been mastered.